If you arenot yet using SEOonline marketing techniques in your business, it is something that youshould definitely consider giving a try. Search engine optimization being a coredigital marketing strategy, there are plenty of reasons to invest in it. It canhelp boost brand awareness, reach more customers, and earn more revenue online.The following are some of the benefits that you can get from SEO marketing.
First ofall, SEO can improve your digital marketing return on investment. When youinvest in digital marketing strategies, you want to earn the highest return oninvestment possible. The good news is that with a smart and competitive SEOstrategy, you can expect an impressive return on investment.
Searchengines offer a close rate of almost 15% for new leads. While this does not seemlike a lot, when you compare it to traditional marketing (which is less than 2%),that is a massive advantage of search engine optimization. SEO. This means thatyou can increase your lead conversion rate by almost 13%.
However,the additional revenue from search depends on SEO. If your website ranks at thebottom of search results on page 2, 3, or 4, users will not find your business.They will stick to the first page of results, meaning that you will not generateleads from Google or any other search engine.
Anotherbenefit of SEO online marketing techniques is that they can boost yourcredibility among consumers. Ranking on the first page of search results showsusers that Google or another search engine trusts your website. This is onereason why 75% of users stick to the first page of search results.
For moreinformation on the benefits of SEO online marketing techniques, visit ourwebsite at https://landauconsulting.com/